The Other Empires of Space

Here is a short description of each Empire on Ultima TrekMUSH :

The United Federation of Planets

"If force is necessary we will use it, but that will mean we have failed. Our goal here is to establish some kind of relations with the Romulans; if we don't succeed, then to convince them of our resolve." Quota : Picard

The Alpha Quadrant is home to many races. The Cardassians have employed brutal methods to ensure their survival and they recently joined the Dominion, an act which would have major repercussions for the Quadrant as a whole. The Romulans have also made steps to expand their borders, as have the Klingons, in the pursuit of honour and glory. But none of those races can match the sheer size and resources of the interstellar alliance founded by the Humans of the planet Earth. The actual job of defending Federation territory, interstellar diplomacy and exploring new worlds and new civilisations went to a sub-agency called Starfleet. The Federation gave the brave people with the Starfleet a mission - “to boldly go where no man has gone before”.

The current leader of the UFP is NAME. The Galae is at high readiness if the UFP should try to invade our space, as they have done before, we are also looking forward to see how the UFP will handle the affairs of the Dominions.


The Vulcan

Live long and Prosper

The Vulcan's are the race that we the Romulan's originate from, but we did leave this weak sister-race behind when we was leaving Vulcan. They have formed a society based on total logic and absolute repression of all emotions, Vulcans often seem cold and machine like by other species. The Vulcans are member of the United Federation of Planets, and as prominent members of the Federation, Vulcan's are known for their excellent negotiation skills, making them ideal diplomats.



The Klingon's

Hem tlhIngan Segh 'ej maHemtaH 'e' wIHeeh.

Klingons are a proud race, and we intend to go on being proud. Quota : Azetbur, Daughter of Chancellor Gorkon

The Klingon Empire, or as they call it "tlhIngan wo'", is the only other empire in space that have cloaking technology, so therefor all matters concerning this empire is to be handled with great concern. But as it is know the Klingons are a honourable warrior race and by that they are easy to manipulate, the Galae are watching the Klingon Navy closely.

The current leader of the Klingon Empire is Qang Qut, a paranoid emperor, which we might be able to control as a marionette. Therefor it is essential that we keep good relations with the Klingon Empire.


The Galactic Ferengi Alliance

Once you have their money you never give it back

The formal name for the Ferengi Government is the Galactic Ferengi Alliance. The leader of the Galactic Ferengi Alliance is the Grand Nagus. He organises large scale trade negotiations between the Galactic Ferengi Alliance and other organisations like the Federation, the Klingons, etc... He controls the allocation of trade territories and takes advantage of grand commercial opportunities. He is a master strategist and has enormous power over Ferengi business. He is looked up to by most every Ferengi as a personification of success and shrewdness in business. It is not assumed that the Nagus is honest; most times he is acknowledged as a master of commerce because of his corrupt practices.

The current leader of the GFA is NAME. At the current time the GFA dose not pose a treat to the Romulan Star Empire, but the Tal'Shiar are monitoring the GFA closely.


The Romulans

Your presence is not wanted here do you understand my meaning Captain We are back

Follow this link.


The Maquis

Traitors to their Federation, or just desperate people fighting for their survival?

A group of Federation colonists calling themselves the Maquis, after Terran guerrilla rebels during Earth's Second World War, staged the first of their terrorist attacks at Deep Space Nine in 2370 with the destruction of the Cardassian freighter Bok'nor. Investigations uncovered a relatively organised company, divided into autonomous resistance cells with resources acquired from the Ferengi, stolen from the Cardassians, as well as from sympathetic Federation citizens.

The current leader of the Maquis is NAME. The Maquis do not pose a treat to the RSE, and if we can prolong the fighting between the Maquis and United Federation of Planets/Cardassians by delivering weapons and equipment to the Maquis we will do that.


The Dominion

The Changelings...or the Founders...or the Shapeshifters, whatever you call them, they are the most ruthless race in the galaxy. They are a very paranoid culture, centering the efforts of their lives to create order in the universe. The cost of this order is irrelevant, whether it is a person's life or the life of a whole race, order must be maintained. The plans of the Dominion is to take over the Alpha Quadrant. By infiltrating the governments of the major (and minor?) powers of the Quadrant, the Changelings look to destabilise the shaky peace treaties established; weakening the Quadrant for an easy take-over by the Dominion. A tactic they seem to have adopted with the Cardassians, where they did weaken them so far that they eventually joined the Dominion.

The Jem'Hadar are the result of advanced genetic engineering by the Founders. They grow and learn quickly and thanks to the genetic programming, all Jem'Hadar see the Shapeshifters as the one race superior to themselves and they are to be obeyed without question. All other races are viewed as inferior and the enemy. Like the Klingons, they love to fight and kill, but not because of honour, but because of the Founders genetic encoding. In addition, the Changelings made their warriors addicted to Ketracel-White, a isogenic enzyme which only the shapeshifters can provide. Without it, the Jem'Hadar would die, thus ensuring their total loyalty to the Founders.

The current Head Founder is NAME. As for now the Dominion does not pose a treat to the Romulan Star Empire. But the Tal'Shiar are observing the Dominion closely.


The Cardassians

The Cardassians

Long ago, the Cardassians were peaceful, spiritual people. They collected some of the best works of art in the entire Quadrant, along with Jewels and other treasures. But while Cardassia was home to legendary ruins and treasures, the planet itself lacked something more important - natural resources. Within years, the people were starving to death and disease was rampant. At this point the Military, had become sick at how weak their citizens had become, and they took control of the Government. They proposed that the only way Cardassia could survive was for Cardassia to expand. Soon, warships were invading nearby worlds and stealing their resources, territory and technology. When the Dominions did show up, the Card. first joined forces with the rest of the Alpha Quadrant but unknown to most people, an ambitious Cardassian, Gul Dukat, was carrying out secret negotiations which would result in the Dominion / Cardassian Alliance.


The Borg

we are the borg you will be assimilated resistance is futile

The Borg are a race of incredibly advanced beings from the Delta Quadrant. The Borg are organised by a collective group mind, in which there are no individuals. The main goal of the Borg is to assimilate all life and all raw material into the collective. Borg ships are cubical in shape. They have no command center of any kind, and no engineering section. Borg drones are equipped with personal force-fields. They are very powerful, and highly adaptive. If you can get one good shot off on the Borg, you will likely get few more. This adaptability makes it necessary to keep your weapon on a rotating modulation. However, the Borg will eventually adapt to all frequencies, draining your weapon, and forcing you to fight hand to hand.

As for now the Romulan R&D Department haven't found a way to stop the Borgs, but it is thought that the UFP have developed a way to destroy the Borg, they are offcause holding this as a secret.

This page is the official Romulan Star Empire's Homepage on Ultima Trek MUSH
