About Utrek

MUSH is an acronym for "Multi User Shared Hallucination" but don't worry, it's nothing illegal!! It's a text based game, similar to those adventure games back in the 1970-80s, but MUSH has a difference... it's multi-user so you can interact not only with computer controlled objects and people but also with real players.

Okay... if you're gonna be connecting to the MUSH, then it's advisable to get yourself a client... there are a lot of them out there, but here are the ones that we, the Romulan Star Empire, recommend. Just follow the link on the banners.

What to do, when you have the Client

Then you will need to fill in the addressee for Ultima Trek MUSH, and log on and play. Here is the addr. :

Host : Utrek.ml.org

Port : 1701

Addr. :

Ultima Trek MUSH

Ultima Trek MUSH is a Startrek MUSH where you can play the following races :

Human, Klingon, Vulcan, Romulan, Bajoran, Gorn, Ferengi, Trill, Betazoid, Chameloid, Tholian, Orion, Andorian, El-Aurian, Tellarite, Benzite, Bolian, Caitain, Ex-Borg, Catullian, Hupyrian, Vorta, Jem'Hadar, Cardassian, Karemma, Miradorn or Changeling

The game is to complex to explain here, but look around on the Romulan site and you might get the idea. The game started with the following theme, and have just evolved from there :

The Theme of U.Trek

Six years have passed since the Borg invasion to the Federation. Shortly after the Federation defeated the borg, relations between the Federation and Dominion reached an all time low, and war broke out. Almost immediately, the Federation lost DS9, a Bajoran/Federation outpost near the opening to the Bajoran wormhole. Starfleet however, was able to place a dense minefield at the opening to the wormhole, to prevent the arrival of Dominion reinforcements. The war went quite badly for the Federation until approximately one year later when Starfleet returned to retake Deep Space Nine. The only ship to arrive at the scene was the USS Defiant. Lucky for the Defiant, Bajoran and Federation resistance members were able to take down DS9s weapon systems. Unfortunately, shortly before the weapons had been disabled, DS9 took out the minefield. Defiant saw no other alternative then to go into the wormhole and face the Dominion fleet. Unexpectedly, the wormhole aliens, also known as the prophets to the Bajorans, intervened upon the situation. Within a matter of seconds, the entire Dominion fleet had vanished. Needless to say, the Federation was able to take back Deep Space Nine without any resistance. The Federation/Dominion war dwindled for a few months as the Dominion retreated back to Cardassia, their new stronghold. The Dominion fleet had been weakened considerably, but not enough for the Federation to totally defeat the Dominion threat. For the past five years, the Federation and Dominion have remained at war. Talk of peace had been thrown back and forth a few times, however neither side trusts the other enough to even consider such proposals.

The Klingon empire has remained allied to the Federation during this entire time, however in the past few years their involvement in the war has not been as large as in the beginning. The Klingon empire continues to prosper economically and is even beginning to become more stable and powerful as a result of their noninvolvement in the Federation/Dominion affairs.

The Dominion/Cardassian alliance still exists. The Dominion is struggling to keep up with the war, however. Dominion scientists have been able to produce the much needed drug white in the Alpha Quadrant, helping to stabilize Dominion forces. Throughout the war, the Dominion has attempted to make alliances elsewhere in the Alpha Quadrant. Talks with the Romulan empire where opened a little over one year ago, however it is not certain whether or not the Romulans are seriously considering joining the Dominion in the war effort. The Romulans have otherwise been isolated during the past few years.

There have been some significant advances in technology in the past three years concerning warp travel. A vulcan scientists, Shanok discovered a new type of dilithium crystal in the gamma quadrant. This new crystal has a significantly different crystalline structure than the original. Although it has the same basic properties which makes warp travel possible, it is much more efficient. When used in a conventional matter/antimatter reaction assembly, the M/A reaction can occur at a much more efficient rate. This allows for faster warp travel. Another good side affect to the reaction is the new warp symmetry that it creates. The new warp fields are actually non-damaging to the subspace barrier, making fast travel practical again.

This page is the official Romulan Star Empire's Homepage on Ultima Trek MUSH
