News Section

This is the news section of the Empire. Here all news of the Romulan Star Empire will be posted. If any member of the Empire want to have posted any news then pls. contact either Migw or Nanuuk.

General News

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The General News section is for the members, any member can post news here. They just need to write a @mail to either Migw or Nanuuk with the news they want to have posted.


U.trek is down for at least 5 weeks, if any members want to be informed when the site is up, E-mail me at this ad :


When Utrek is back up, we will hold the meeting in the Senate, I can also inform the members that there is 2 TP (TinyPlots) under way.


I will be away from the 20-09-98 to the 28-09-98. If U-Trek come's up, Migw will be in charge until I come back.


We have added a little program at the bottom of this page, where you can participate in a vote about who the Romulan Star Empire are to attack.


News from the Senate

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There will be held a hearing in the Lower Senate (When the dam place is up). It is the purpose with the hearing, to decided which nations the Lower Senate should propose to the High Senate as allies of the Romulan Star Empire. There is the following Empires : The Klingon Empire, The United Federation of Planets, The Dominion, The Galatical Ferengi Alliance and the Maquis


The Lower and the High Senate will have to decide who is going to be the Leader of the Lower and High Senate (When the dam place is up).


The High Senate would like to welcome Ren'tok into there ranks. He is the new leader of the Tal'Shiar (well until now, as he is not member of a noble house he cannot hold this position for long)


It should be noted that it is not to late to make a Noble House, to make on contact either Migw or Nanuuk.


News from the Civilian Department

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The Civilian Department would like to point out to the members of the Empire, that right now the Noble House s'Vulokk is sole ruler of the Romulan Star Empire. And without any opposition they will be able to rule this Empire with an iron hand. Therefor we ask the members of the empire to form up in Noble House's.

How to create a noble house.


The Civilian Department needs a new leader, if any members of the Empire thinks they are up to the job then pls. contact a member of the High Senate. It should be noted that the Leader of the Civilian Department is the leader of the following administration's : The Diplomatic Administration, The Civilian Administration, The Merchant Administration and the Science Administration. He is also a member of the High Senate.


The Diplomatic Administration is looking for an Ambassador, who are ready to travel to Qo'noS. The mission is to set up an Embassy there, draw up various treaty's and monitor the Klingon Empire.


The Civilian Department is looking for a person who would take the heavy job as Romulan Judge. To get the job you need to be member of a noble house. You can still hold other positions while acting as Judge.


The Civilian Department is looking for three Planetary Governor's. What you need to get the position is simple, you need to be member of a Noble House. It is still possible to hold other positions while acting as Governor, the position as Governor is more a matter of honour and it also ad's allot of prestige to the Noble House. A Noble House can only hold one Governorship.
27-10-98 We would like to welcome the Noble House v'Llenvlok, they originate from the planet Rhei'llhne.


News from the Navy

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As all now, Migw is the Fleet Admiral and therefor Leader of the Navy. So all matters concerning the Navy are to be discussed with him.


"The Romulan Star Empire needs you". The Romulan Navy needs men, we have around 7 combat ships we cannot man. Therefor all people who are tired of there current position's pls. join the Navy. We can offer a good job in a very social environment, and attractive salary + pension. We also offer the most action that the Romulan Star Empire will see, forget the Tal'Shiar they are just another Intelligence Agency, WE ARE THE NAVY.


As soon as the Simulators are working again, we will start testing all members of the Empire for the Honourable job as Navy Reserves.


The Navy has been ordered in high readiness by the daise'Fvillha. Right now the khre'Enriov and the daise'Fvillha are making plans for a campaign against a hostile alien race in the Alpha or Beta quadrant.


Finally, the Navy page is complete. Migw good job.


News from the Tal'Shiar

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Ren'tok is the new leader of the Tal'Shiar. We would like to welcome him to his new position, where he can expect to be assassinated at any time.


The Tal'Shiar is closed for new members at this current time. The reason to this is because the High Senate has not been informed about how Ren'tok will gather his information's, and therefor the High Senate has closed all fundings to the Tal'Shiar.
We need to estabilish a major enemy Who shall we attack ?
Current Results

This page is the official Romulan Star Empire's Homepage on Ultima Trek MUSH
