The TalShiar

The Tal'Shiar

There are some of you who wish to have careers in the Tal'Shiar. Be warned, this is not a easy task. The Tal'Shiar rarely recruits from new members of the empire. Due to the nature of the Tal'Shiar and its responsibility, only those who conduct themselves with the greatest maturity and embody the values of the Rihannsu will be allowed to serve the Empire as an agent of the Tal'Shiar. Only in special cases, will the short stay at the academy be enough to make this judgement. In the entire history of the Tal'Shiar only two civilians have been selected directly out of the academy but only one serve the Tal'Shiar and the empire now.

What is the Tal'Shiar? It is the innermost defense of Romulan Star Empire and the power invested in it makes it clear. You might have heard elsewhere that it is dangerous to refuse the request of even the lowest ranking Tal'Shiar officer. Let me stress that fact again: should you have the misfortune of having to deal with the Tal, your only hope is full co-operation with the authorities. Nothing is beyond the scope of Tal'Shiar powers when it learns about a threat to the empire.

Though a paramilitary organisation, the Tal'Shiar serves both functions as military intelligence and the internal secret police. It handles all crimes within the Empire that it believes influence the security of the Romulan Star Empire as well as obtaining and using key tactical and strategic information about enemies and allies alike.

If you are selected to join the ranks of the Tal'Shiar, you will go through intensive training and the exam will be short and difficult. A single mistake will earn you a return ticket to ch'Rihan and dismissal from the Tal'Shiar. Along with the exam, you will be asked to write up a report and will have to go through a weapon ability exercise. The stay at the Tal'Shiar HQ will not be long but more gruelling for that fact.

The various Ranks of Tal'Shiar

Here is the various ranks used in the Tal'Shiar, it should be noted that it is only possible that one person in the Tal'Shiar have a rank of arifv'Riov, or higher. It should also be noted that it is only possible to raise to the rank of arifv'Riov, or higher if the person doing that is member of a Noble House.

1 Hfehan - Citizen
2 Eredh - Cadet
3 Enerredh - Graduate
4 Gekha - Fighter
5 Lehrei - Agent
6 khre'Lehrei - Senior Agent
7 Iarrev - Covert Agent
8 Hhvaeh - Spy
9 khre’Hhvaeh - Senior Spy
10 Khile'hrei - Intel Agent
11 khre’Khile’hrei - Senior Intel Agent
12 arifv'Riov - Division Commander
13 agheak'Riov - Corps Commander
14 khellrea'Riov - Legion Commander
15 Shair'Fvillha - Supreme Commander

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