The Civilian Medals

The Civilian Medals

These medals are the standard civilian medals of the Romulan Star Empire. These can be given to any member of the Empire, if the Leader of the Civilian Department estimate that the person is worthy.

Information's about the medals. The Medals
Name : The Governors Medal (0,1)

This medal is given to members of the Romulan Star Empire, that act as Planetary Governors. A Planetary Governor is in charge of an entire planet.

Name : The Civilian Medal of Valour (0,1)

This medal is given to civilians that have shown dedication, commitment and loyalty to the Romulan Star Empire.

Name : The Medal of Justice (0,1)

The medal of justice is given to any person who has served as Romulan Judge, for more then 1 month.

Name : The Administration Medal (0,1)

This medal is given to members of the Civilian Administration that have shown originality and high skill.

Name : The Civilian Distinction of Valour (0,2)

This medal is given to members of the Civilian Administration, that have shown commitment to the Civilian Admin. Normally this medal is only given to members that have worked for some time for the Civilian Admin.

Name : The Legal Department's Distinction (0,3)

This medal is given to members of the Civilian Admin., that have acted in an investigation for the Legal Department. Only the most intelligent Romulans are allowed to serve in such an investigation, as such a board are investigating either the Tal'Shiar or the Galae.

Name : The Science Medal (0,1)

This medal is given to members of the Science Administration, after completing a R&D task.

Name : The R&D Medal (0,2)

This medal is given to members of the Science Administration, that have been engaged in a very difficult and complex assignment, and did end up with a result that the Romulan Star Empire could use.

Name : The Scientific Honour Medal (0,3)

This medal is given to members of the Science Administration, that have made a revolutionary discovery or invented a highly useful, and until now, unknown object.

Name : The Merchant Service Medal (0,1)

This Medal is given to Merchants of the Empire that have earned more then 50.000.000 Latinum Bars to the Romulan Star Empire.

Name : The Merchant Honour Medal (0,3)

This Medal is given to Members of the Merchant Administration, that have shown commitment and loyalty to the Administration.

Name : The Merchant Star (0,2)

This medal is given to members of the Merchant Admin. for good conduct while trading with foreign Empires.

Name : The Ambassadors Star (0,3)

The Ambassadors Star is given to members of the Dipl. Admin. who have shown high skill during negotiation with the foreign empires of space.

Name : The Attaché's Honour Medal (0,1)

This medal is given to all members of the Diplomatic Administration, who have served on a foreign planet in one of the administration's embassy's.

Name : The Medal of Diplomats (0,2)

When an Ambassador of the Romulan Empire have served his time in a foreign empire, and if the service that he did provide was without questions, he will normally receive this medal.


Informations about the Order's :
Name : The 2nd Order of Rihannsu (0,3)

The 2nd Order of Rihannsu is only given to members of the Civilian Department of command rank or higher (11+), for outstanding service to the Romulan Star Empire and the Civilian Department. It is normal that each admin. leader hold this Order.

Name : The 1st Order of Rihannsu (0,5)

The 1st Order of Rihannsu is only given to members of the Civilian Department of command rank or higher (11+), for outstanding service to the Romulan Star Empire and the Civilian Department. It is normal that the Aefvriha or the current leader of the Civilian Department hold this Order.

Name : Nveid's Star (0,1)

This Order was being introduced by Nanuuk when daise'Fvillha Nveid did step back from office, and Nanuuk replaced him as daise'Fvillha. This Order can be given to any member of the Romulan Star Empire that have shown great courage in a specific situation.

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