The Romulan Star Empires Medals

The Medals of the Romulan Star Empire

There is 4 different kinds of "medals", the daise'Fvillha Medals, the Galae Medals, the Tal'Shiar Medals and the Civilian Medals.

The daise'Fvillha Medals is handed out by the daise'Fvillha and can be given to any member of the Romulan Star Empire, under this category is the different Govornors Star's, the various honour medals, and the Senators medals/star's.

The Galae Medals is handed out by the khre'Enriov or the current commander of the Galae. The Galae Medals are only given to members of the Galae, or in some exceptions to reserves. The Galae Medals encompass the following medals, the Navy Order's, Navy Wings, Navy Medals and the Navy Ribbons.

The Tal'Shiar Medals are handed out by the leader of the Tal'Shiar, these medals are only given to members, or former members, of the Tal'Shiar.

The Civilian Medals are handed out by the leader of the Civilian Department. These medals can only be given to members of the Civilian Department, except a handful which are available to all members of the Romulan Star Empire.

Every medal have a number, right after the name of the medal. This number is added to the persons personal voting power, it reflects that a person with more medal's (ribbons, orders or stars) would be considered a Hero to the Romulan public, and therefor have more influence upon his surroundings.

When a Department Leader gives a person a medal, he needs to send a file to the daise'Fvillha, telling why this person deserve this medal, the daise'Fvillha cannot interfere, but still needs to be notified. If a Department Leader abuse or gives away medals without a good reason, he can in worst case scenario be fired.

To view the various Medals, Orders, Star's and Ribbons of the Romulan Star Empire follow the following links :

The daise'Fvillha Medals

The Galae Medals

The Tal'Shiar Medals

The Civilian Medals

This page is the official Romulan Star Empire's homepage on Ultima Trek MUSH
