The Tal Shiar Medals

These medals are given to members of the Tal'Shiar, or former members. It is the Leader of the Tal'Shiar that hands out these medals.

Information's about the medals. The Medals
Name : The Medal of Tal'Shiar (0,1)

This medal is given to members of the Tal'Shiar for outstanding service.

Name : The Medal of Loyalty (0,1)

This medal is given to members of the Tal'Shiar, the secret intelligence agency of the Romulan Star Empire, for outmost loyalty to the Tal'Shiar and the Romulan Star Empire.

Name : The Tal'Shiar Star (0,2)

This medal is given to a member of the Tal'Shiar that have uncovered a plot against the Romulan Star Empire's Government.

Name : The Combat Medal (0,2)

This medal is given to members of the Tal'Shiar that have been engaged in a "gunfight", with a know criminal or spy/saboteur working against the Romulan Star Empire.

Name : The Medal of the Saboteur (0,3)

This medal is given to members of the Tal'Shiar, who have infiltrated and made sabotage on a foreign planet or starship.

Name : The Cross of Tal'Shiar (0,3)

This medal is only given to members of the Tal'Shiar that have been working undercover on a highly secret mission.


Information's about the Tal'Shiar Order's.
Name : The Tal'Shiar Order (0,5)

The Tal'Shiar Order is only given to members of the Tal'Shiar of command rank or higher (11+), for outstanding service to the Romulan Star Empire and the Tal'Shiar. It is normal that the Shair'Fvillha or the current leader of the Tal'Shiar hold this Order.

Name : The Tal'Shiar Star (0,3)

This Order is only given to members of the Tal'Shiar of rank arifv'Riov (Division Commander) or higher. It could be called a symbol of office, as usally only the leader of the Tal'Shiar holds this Order.

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