The Navy Medals

The Navy and Military Medals

These medals are the standard navy medals for the Romulan Star Empire. These medals are given by the khre'Enriov or the current leader of Romulan Navy.

Information's about the medals. The Medals
Name : The Medal of Reserves (0,1)

This medal is given to all members of the Romulan Empire who are either member of the Navy Reserve's or active member's of the Navy.

Name : The Special Flight School Medal (0.3)

This medal is given to all members of the Navy, who have passed the Special Flight School, or more commonly know as the SFS.

Name : The Navy Medal of Valour (0.2)

This medal is given to members of the Navy that have shown high skill and originality, doing various mission assignments.

Name : The Navy Medal of Honour (0.1)

This Medal is given to those members of the Navy who have served onboard the Romulan Flagship doing a military campaign.

Name : The Medal of Battle (0,2)

This medal is given to the crew of a ship that has engaged and destroyed an enemy ship doing a military campaign.

Name : The Navy Cross (0,3)

The Navy Cross, is given to the Captain of a ship who has engaged and destroyed an enemy ship doing a military campaign.

Name : The Navy Star (0,5)

This Medal is one of the highest achievements inside the Romulan Navy, this medal is given to a Captain of a ship that have destroyed more then 10 enemy's during his command.

Name : The Academy Cross (0,1)

This medal is given to members of the Galae, who is teaching at the Galae Academy. Only the best pilots will be given this chance - and it is a great honour to be enlisted in this service.

Name : The Orbital Defence Medal (0,1)

This medal is given to members of the Navy who is in command of a Starbase or Outpost. As it is still possible to hold command of a Starship while being SB/OP Commander - it is a opportunity that new khre'Arrain's usually take.

Name : The Defense Base 1 Medal (0,2)

The DB1 Medal is given to the Starbse Commander of Defense Base 1. It is still posible to hold command of a starship while being commander of a Starbase. The commander of Defence Base 1 needs to be at least khre'Arrain.

Name : The Defense Base 2 Medal (0,1)

The DB2 Medal is given to the Starbse Commander of Defense Base 2. It is still posible to hold command of a starship while being commander of a Starbase. The commander of Defence Base 2 needs to be at least khre'Arrain.

Name : The Medal of Sorrow (-2)

This Medal also called the "The Medal of Hell", this medal is given to members of the Navy or Military who has been taken as prisoners of the enemy.


Information's about the wings.
Name : The Navy Wings (0,1)

The Navy Wings are given to members of the Romulan Star Empire's Navy that have the rank of khre'Arrain (Lieutenant Commander) or higher.


Information's about the Galae Orders.
Name : The 3rd Galae Order (0,3)

The 3rd Galae Order is only given to members of the Romulan Fleet, that holds at least the rank of Riov. This Order is usually given to a loyal and combat experienced Riov (Captain).

Name : The 2nd Galae Order (0,4)

The 2nd Galae Order is only given to members of the Galae of command rank (11+) or higher, for outstanding service to the Romulan Star Empire and the Galae. It is normal that this order is hold by the best and most daring Enarrain's (Commodores) in the Romulan Fleet.

Name : The 1st Galae Order (0,5)

The 1st Galae Order is only given to members of the Galae of flag rank (12+), for outstanding service to the Romulan Star Empire and the Galae. It is normal that the khre'Enriov or the current leader of the fleet hold this Order.

Name : Migw's Star (0,2)

This Order is given to members of the Galae that the leader is special pleased with. It is named after khre'Enriov Migw s'Vulokk, one of the best space strategists in the hole Romulan Star Empire.

Name : The Admirals Star (0,2)

This Order is only given to members of the Galae of rank khre'Riov (Rear Admiral) or higher. It could be called a symbol of office, as usally only the leader of the Galae holds this Order.

The Service Ribbons

The service ribbons are given to members of the Romulan Empire that have participated in the given military campaign. These ribbons are given by the khre'Enriov or the current head of the Romulan Navy. A military campaign usually last for 2 weeks, and to be awarded a ribbon you need to at least have participated in 3 attacks on the enemy.

Information's about the Ribbons. The Ribbons
Name : The Expansion Campaign (0.1)

The High Senate have decided to launch a campaign against the United Federation of Planets. This campaign have been named "The Expansion Campaign", because of the khre'Enriov's statement during the meeting in the High Senate, "We need breathing room". Any member of the Romulan Star Empire participating in this campaign will be awarded the Ribbon.

There will be held a briefing before the Campaign starts.

Name :

Sorry, we cant give any information's about this ribbon, the reason to this is because that the Galae (Navy) is making plans for a Major Campaign against an inferior race in the galaxy. We will use this ribbon as a Service Ribbon in this campaign.

Name :

Sorry, we cant give any information's about this ribbon, the reason to this is because that the Galae (Navy) is making plans for a Major Campaign against an inferior race in the galaxy. We will use this ribbon as a Service Ribbon in this campaign.

Name :

Sorry, we cant give any information's about this ribbon, the reason to this is because that the Galae (Navy) is making plans for a Major Campaign against an inferior race in the galaxy. We will use this ribbon as a Service Ribbon in this campaign..

This page is the official Romulan Star Empire's Homepage on Ultima Trek MUSH
