Members of the Empire

Here is a complete list of the active members of the Romulan Star Empire. It should be noted that the list will only be updated once each week. To mail members of the Romulan Star Empire go to the E-Mail Section. To see a list, and explanation, of all the medals in the Romulan Star Empire go to the Romulan Star Empire's Medal's page.

To view members of a House use the link below, or just browse through the hole list. The members without relation to a Noble House is placed at the bottom at the page, just as in the Romulan Hierarchy.

House s'Vulokk

House v'Llenvlok

House v'krios

House v'Lenkow

Members without House Realation

House s'Vulokk

To see the information about House s'Vulokk follow this link.

Fullname : Nanuuk s'Vulokk

Voting Power : 10,9

Political Opinion : Nanuuk s'Vulokks political opinion is swayed by Migw s'Vulokk, but as a former Diplomat he knows that if the Romulan Star Empire engage the UFP, and by that weaken the United Federation of Planets, they will open up for the Dominions. So it is a choice between plague and typhus.

daise'Fvillha - High Praetor

Member of the High Senate

Member of House s'Vulokk

auethnen s'Vulokk - Advisor of House s'Vulokk

Medals Special Medals


Fullname : Migw s'Vulokk

Voting Power : 9,4

Political Opinion : Migw s'Vulokk's highest concern is the unlimited expansion of the United Federation of Planets. He is using all his personal influence upon the daise'Fvillha and various members of the Lower Senate to reach his goal : War against the United Federation of Planets.

khre'Enriov - Fleet Admiral

Member of the High Senate

Member of House s'Vulokk

eri'hfirh s'Vulokk - Heir of House s'Vulokk

Medals Special Medals


Fullname : Malezar s'Vulokk

Voting Power : 2,3

Political Opinion : Malezar holds the usual grudge against the United Federation of Planets, as all the other members of House s'Vulokk does. But he is also a merchant and therefor his moral and ethic can from time to time change slightly.

hru'Arrhai - Chief Merchant

Member of the Lower Senate

Member of House s'Vulokk

hru'hfirh s'Vulokk - Head of House s'Vulokk

Medals Special Medals



Fullname : Ukani s'Vulokk

Voting Power : 1,1

Political Opinion : Ukani s'Vulokk is totally controlled by Migw s'Vulokk, and does what he say's. He does not have any political opinions at all - and if he is asked, he will usually say that he have to ask his Houses first.

el'Arrhai - Senior Merchant

Member of the Lower Senate

Member of House s'Vulokk

rianov - Weaponsmaster of House s'Vulokk

Medals Special Medals



Fullname : Stragg s'Vulokk

Voting Power : 3,4

Political Opinion : Stragg is easily pursued to help any given course, but only if the people that he help also will help him get more fundings channelled to the ch'Rihan Governership. He holds the usual resentment for the United Federation of Planets, as the rest of House s'Vulokk.

erei'Eredh - Freshman

Afvillhei ch'Rihan - Planetary Governor on ch'Rihan

Member of the Lower Senate

Member of House s'Vulokk

Medals Special Medals

House v'Llenvlok

To see the information about House v'Llenvlok follow this link.

Fullname : v'Lor v'Llenvlok

Voting Power : 2,3

Political Opinion : ?

Hfehan - Citizen

Member of the Lower Senate

Afvillhei Rhei'llhne - Planetary Governor on Rhei'llhne

Member of House v'Llenvlok

hru'hfirh v'Llenvlok - Head of House v'Llenvlok

Medals Special Medals

House v'krios

To see the information about House v'krios follow this link.

Fullname : Tau'krha

Voting Power : 6,6

Political Opinion : ?

Fvrihai - Administrator

Member of the High Senate

Member of House

hru'hfirh - Head of House

Medals Special Medals

House v'Lenkow

To see the information about House v'Lenkow follow this link.

Fullname : t’Kolta v'Lenkow

Voting Power : 1,1

Political Opinion : t'Kolta belives in peace with the United Federation of Planets, he will do almost all that is in his power to reach this goal. His second higest concern is the power of House v'Lenkow, he feels that his House has been cheated when the Planetary Governor of ch'Rihan was chosen, he does not go away from blaiming the daise'Fvillha for manipulating the vote in favour of House s'Vulokk.

Hfehan - Citizen

Member of the Lower Senate

Member of House v'Lenkow

hru'hfirh v'Lenkow - Head of House v'Lenkow

Medals Special Medals



Fullname : Hda'kal v'Lenkow

Voting Power : 1,1

Political Opinion : Belives that the Romulan Star Empire should demilitarise the Neutral Zone and remove, at least, 25 % of the founds that is channeld to the Galae. He feels that the Romulans should join the United Federation of Plantes in the struggle against the Dominion, maybe even join the Federation.

Hfehan - Citizen

Member of the Lower Senate

Member of House v'Lenkow

eri'hfirh v'Lenkow - Heir of House v'Lenkow

Medals Special Medals


Members without House Realation

Fullname : Ren'tok

Voting Power : None

Political Opinion : ?

arifv'Riov - Division Commander

Member of the High Senate

Medals Special Medals


Fullname : Kurn

Voting Power : None

Political Opinion : ?

Enarrain - Commodore
Medals Special Medals



Fullname : SIjwI'

Voting Power : None

Political Opinion : ?

erei'Riov - Commander

Medals Special Medals




Fullname : Solidox

Voting Power : None

Political Opinion : ?

Riov - Captain
Medals Special Medals




Fullname : t'Vox

Voting Power : None

Political Opinion : ?

Hfehan - Citizen
Medals Special Medals

This page is the official Romulan Star Empire's Homepage on Ultima Trek MUSH
