The Navy and the Military

Use humility to make them haughty. Tire them by flight. Cause division among them. Attack when they are unprepared, make your move when they do not expect it. Quota : khre'Enriov Migw

The Navy is the central organisation in the Rihannsu Empire. In order to protect themselves after the appearance of the Federation in their system, the Rihannsu provided sweeping powers to their military. This emphasis on navy service lead in turn to the social importance of navy service and combat veterans being seen as the most respected members of the Rihannsu population.

The navy is led by the High Command, which consists of the current khre'Enriov, or Fleet Admiral, and his subordinate Enarrain, or Commodores. The khre'Enriov handles administrative and grand scale strategy, while the Enarrain deal with the minutae of fleet operations and small scale tactics of their own ships and the ships in their task forces.

Becomming a Navy-Pilot

If you have decided to join the Galae (Navy) then have one thing in your mind...WE DON'T LOSE. Throughout all the wars we have been engaged in we have only lost one ship. Becoming a navy-pilot means that you have to practice the skill of combat engagement. When you deem yourself fit for service contact the current head of navy and he will test you in the simulators, if you pass the test you will normally be assigned to a combat vessel for a few weeks and if you prove yourself to the captain and/or the head of navy, you will be given your own ship. When you become "Captain" of your own ship you will need to find the crew for the ship, this is your own problem.

To get command of a starship

Those who have command of a Romulan Starship, are highly respected in the Romulan society. The minimum rank to hold command of a starship is khre'Arrain, it is normal to get command of a small starship at first, and then later get command of the more deadly types. Members of the Navy that hold the rank of Enarrain usually have command of a small detachment of the Romulan Fleet (around 3 ships). People with a self-destructive motivations will not be given command of starships. Also to get command of a starship you will need to prove before the Fleet Admiral that you can handle the following consoles : The Helm Console, The Damage Console, The Navigation Console, The Communication Console, The Engineering Console and the Command Console.

The Special Flight School Project

Any members of the Navy can ask the khre'Enriov to be inlisted in the Special Flight School project, if a navy pilot goes through this school he will be awarded with the SFS Medal and a promotion. The SFS project is only for the best pilots in the Navy and it is a great honour to be inlisted in the school. Until now only two members of the Romulan Star Empire has been worthy for the Medal, and this is Enarrain Kurn and khre'Enriov Migw. The purpose of the SFS project is to enhance the dogfight skill of the navy pilots (The SFS can be compared with the late 20th centuries Top Gun). To see the rest of the Navy medals follow this link.

The Military

The Military or more commonly know as the Romulan Storm Troopers, are a special corps under the navy. The Storm Troopers job is to boarder and take over enemy ships in deep space. Therefor they receive special training in the use of firearms. This attachment was created to ensure that Navy Officers would not risk there lives in various boarding actions. This unit only allow Navy personal of at least rank Arrain to join.

The various Ranks of the Navy / Military

Here is the various ranks used in the Navy, it should be noted that it is only possible that one person in the Navy or Military have a rank of khre'Riov, or Daeus, or higher, but this person can come from any of the two branches. It should also be noted that it is only possible to raise to the rank of khre'Riov, or Daeus, or higher if the person doing that is member of a Noble House.

Rank The Navy The Military
1 Hfehan - Citizen  
2 erei'Eredh - Freshman  
3 Eredh - Cadet  
4 khre'Eredh - Upperclassman  
5 Erein - Ensign  
6 erei'Arrain - Lieutenant Junior Grade  
7 Arrain - Lieutenant Uhlan - Infantry
8 khre'Arrain - Lieutenant Commander  
9 erei'Riov - Commander.  
10 Riov - Captain Aendeh - Major
11 Enarrain - Commodore Ssiebh - Colonel
12 khre'Riov - Rear Admiral Daeus - General
13 Erei'enriov - Vice Admiral
14 Enriov - Admiral
15 khre'Enriov - Fleet Admiral

This page is the official Romulan Star Empire's Homepage on Ultima Trek MUSH
